Machine Intelligence Lab

Welcome to the website of the Machine Intelligence Lab at the Department of Computer Science at University College London (UCL). We are part of the the UCL-CS Autonomous Systems Group.

What’s New

  • Our paper “Dynamics of Moral Behavior in Heterogeneous Populations of Learning Agents” has been accepted in the Proceedings of the 7th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES 2024). You can find the preprint of the paper here.

  • Our paper “Training Foundation Models as Data Compression: On Information, Model Weights and Copyright Law” will be presented at the 2nd Internation Workshop on Generative AI and Law (GenLaw 2024), colocated with the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), as spotlight presentation. You can download the paper here.

  • Alessandro Staffolani successfully defended his PhD on 25 June 2024. Well done Alessandro!

  • New preprint: “Partial Information Decomposition for Data Interpretability and Feature Selection”. You can download the paper here.

  • Our paper “(Ir)rationality and Cognitive Biases in Large Language Models” is now out in Royal Society Open Science. You can download the paper here.

  • Our paper “Game-theoretic Agent-based Modelling of Micro-level Conflict: Evidence from the ISIS-Kurdish War” is now out in PLOS ONE. You can download the paper here.

  • New preprint: “Large Language Models are Effective Priors for Causal Graph Discovery”. You can download the paper here.

  • Our paper “Creative Beam Search: LLM-as-a-Judge for Improving Response Generation has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2024). You can download the paper here.

  • Our paper “Trust-based Consensus in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems” has been accepted at the 1st Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC 2024). The camera ready version will be available soon. In the meantime, you can download the preprint here.

  • Our paper “CoMIX: A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Training Architecture for Efficient Decentralized Coordination and Independent Decision Making” has been accepted for publication in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). The paper will appear soon, in the meantime you can download the preprint here.

  • Welcome to Alice Plebe and Adele De Hoffer, who are joining us as Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Visiting PhD Student respectively!

  • Our paper “Creativity and Machine Learning: A Survey” has been accepted in ACM Computing Surveys. The paper will appear soon. In the meantime, you can download the preprint here.

  • New preprint: “Graph Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Optimization: A Survey and Unifying Perspective”. You can download the paper here.

  • Mirco Musolesi gave an invited talk at the Machine+Behavior Conference 2024 at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin.

  • Mirco Musolesi gan invited talk hosted by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki on 3 April 2024 as part of the event “AI generated it - who owns it?”.

Previous news items can be found here.

Last updated: 24 July 2024.